Julie Johnson Retires From Staveley Village Association

The trustees of Staveley Village Association (SVA) would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to Julie Johnson for her dedicated service over the last 13 years as a Trustee since March 2011. 

Julie's contributions have been invaluable to the charity and community; and her commitment and passion will leave a lasting impact.

Julie started to manage facility bookings for the SVA in 2007 and is well known by all regular hirers of the Village Hall, Institute & Pavilion together with tenants of the flat & allotments, members of Staveley Bowling Club and users of the playground.

As Julie steps down, we express our gratitude for her service and wish her all the very best. Thank you, Julie, for your welcoming smile, your unwavering dedication, your contribution to the community and for helping to guide the SVA as a Trustee over the last decade.


Our facilities truly are the ‘crown jewels’ of Staveley!


Pavilion and Bank room hire charge fees.